

About Us is an organization that promotes the safety and quality of kratom. Its Good Manufacturing Practices program requires manufacturers to comply with strict guidelines to ensure that kratom is safe for users. The program also aims to educate consumers, suppliers, and law-making bodies on the benefits of kratom.

The organization represents millions of citizens in the United States and is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of its members. The organization supports new harvesting techniques and encourages reforestation. In addition, it has certified kratom products safe for human consumption. Kratom is available in a variety of forms such as pills, powder, and encapsulated extracts. was founded in 2014, but it didn't fully take off until 2016. It's a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that doesn't pay taxes. Moreover, the money it raises will be used for its objectives, which include regaining consumer confidence and protecting consumer rights.

In addition, is committed to establishing standards for kratom production. Its webpage focuses on the latest findings about kratom and its impact on the industrial level. It also features a science section and a community forum. And, it prohibits the export of harmful kratom. also supports law enforcement efforts to eliminate illegal kratom from the market. believes that private parties are not adequately educating consumers about the medicinal properties of the plant. works to raise consumer awareness and educate lawmakers on the benefits of kratom. Further, it is committed to helping consumers and the healthcare industry to remain safe. And, in the meantime, has a loyal following of enthusiasts.